Slate Blog - Addthis add-on block

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I have set my blog up and I am trying to add the Addthis add-on block to a certain area of the blog.

I have gone into Page Types, chosen Blog Entry and gone to defaults to set the page up. When I insert the Addthis add-on block to the top of the page, it always displays at the bottom of the blog article. I'm trying to put the Addthis share box directly underneath the author/date of the blog. And the setup on child pages is turned on or I wouldn't see it anywhere on my blog post.

I tried just adding the Addthis add-on block to the page for just that blog at the top and it worked but then on my Top level blog, where it gives you the brief descriptions of the blog it gives me this: var addthis_pub = ""; right before the first words in my blog?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
About the position issue, are you adding it to the Main area? That's where you would need to do it. If you are doing this, and it's still not in the right order it's most likely because the page type defaults aren't properly updating order of blocks (which it actually might not even be able to do). See this thread for a possible fix:

Regarding the other issue, you would need to post in the support area of the AddThis addon - sound like an issue with that block.

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