Slate template not displaying correctly

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I have been working on my site to try and get it look like the screenshots displayed, however I am clearly missing the mark. My site is currently -

Here are my top three issues -
1. I want my site to display the "dark" skin, however cannot figure out how to do that. I edited the .php file and re-uploaded it via FTP and still no joy.

2. I want the site to have the same standard look and layout at the image in screenshot 3 (dark skin) to include the drop-downs etc. I will then change the names of the tabs, etc.

3. In the top left hand of the slate theme is a small logo that says "slate", however on my site it appears as a MUCH larger box that I cannot figure out how to resize/edit.

Any help would be appreciated much.


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BLindsey replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

To change the default style/skin to either the minimal, minimal dark, or minimal grunge, open up the theme's header.php file (located at theme_slate/themes/slate/elements/header.php) and look below line 16 (see attached screenshot of your file). Un-comment out code on line 17 (for skin minimal-dark). You remove the <!-- and --> at beginning and end of line. It looks like you removed the built-in code for the other skins.

If the stack Site Name isn't already created in your site, go to Dashboard->Stacks and add a new Stack named Site Name. Then add a content or image block to that stack with your logo in it.

Here is some documentation for the theme:

I hope this helps.

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