Updating Slate Theme remove previous edits?

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After making a number of tweaks to the Slate theme, I now see that an update to the theme is available. If I update this, will I lose any edits that I have made so fare (i.e., to the header.php, etc)


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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, the new updates will over write any edits you made to theme files. In the newest version of concrete5 you can override theme files by copying them out to the themes directory in the root of your install. So for example copy the header.php file from packages/theme_slate/themes/slate/elements/header.php to themes/slate/elements/header.php
concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the guidance!
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
You're welcome!
abarclay replied on at Permalink Reply
I have a question about this. Lets say I change a file to the way I want it and you update slate fixing that same file. If I have the file out in my root directory will I not get the benefit of your modifications? How does that work?
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Correct. The file in your root will still take precedence so you would have to manually update that file with any changes in the other updated one.

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