Contact Form Submit Button Styling Issue

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I've noticed that the Contact form submit button has a different appearance on desktop and mobile. It also has a different appear than the other call to action buttons regardless of platform (they all appear the same regardless of mobile or desktop.)

Could you please help me correct the stying of the Contact form button to match the others?


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Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Knp

Thanks for your message.

Could you please send me the URL of your site, is it online at the moment?

Kind Regards
knp replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Matteo,

Thanks for the reply. My site is online at

I appreciate your help.
italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Knp

Thanks for your message,
very nice website, honestly well done.

Regarding the Contact Form CTA Submit.
I have now tested you're site with these browsers:
° Opera v54.0.2
° Fiefox v62.0.3
° Google Chrome v69.0.3
° Konqueror v5.0.97

I do not see absolute anything wrong, I mean, I've seen your screenshot of course.
But that does not happen to me on Desktop and neither on Mobile device (Android v4.2).

Are you maybe on a Macintosh for both your devices and on Safari?

Again compliments for your site
Please let me know
knp replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the compliments on the site. I used to do design work many years ago, but your great template made things come together really easy.

I have tested on:
Mac OS Safari - Pass
Mac OS Firefox - Pass
Mac OS Chrome - Pass
iOS (iPhone) - Fail
iOS (iPad) - Fail

Thanks again!
italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Karsen

Thanks for your message

I see what the problem is now.
I have not started working on it yet though because I'm slightly busy till the end of this week.

I still wanted to send you a message to let you know I have read yours of course and I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. I have never forgotten any of the clients' tickets I've gotten so far, and I have just setup a reminder for this particular one of yours.

However if for some reason you see it's taking to long to get fixed, you just send me a message anytime and I shall give you an update by the beginning of next week alright?

Hve a good day
Talk to you soon
knp replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds good. Thanks!
italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Karsen

Hope you're good.

Please help me to test if the Submit button works well on IOS (iPhone and iPad).

I've just upload the Fix into the StartUp Pro theme demo.

!IMPORTANT: Please make sure you Clear the CACHE of both your browers on iPhone and iPad.
Then try this URL:

Please tell me if the submit button looks alright then I proceed with upgrading the actual theme version fixed which then you could download for free

Thanks in advance
Talk to you later

knp replied on at Permalink Reply
This looks great on iPhone and iPad.

Thank you!
italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Karsen

Thanks for that.

So then now you can download for free the new version of the theme with the fix in it:

And if you really really want you can leave a 5 stars review here:

Please tell me how it goes
Have a great day


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