Middle Logo

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How do you move the sitewide logo up and also change the dimensions?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply
To do this you would need to edit the CSS.
Open screen.css and go to line 106:
Change this part:

margin: 120px auto

to whatever you would like, for example:

margin: 60px auto 40px auto

(That would give you a 60pixel margin on top and a 40pixel margin on the bottom.)


jkincaid replied on at Permalink Reply
Can the logo only show on specific pages - for example only the home page?

Or - could it be different dimensions and locations on different pages - for example - full size on the home page and small and in the upper left hand corner on any subsequent pages?

Thank you.
jkincaid replied on at Permalink Reply
also (Sorry for so many questions) Where can I change the size of the sitewide logo? I've been looking at the CSS and can't locate it. Also, forcing the block to use the image size does not seem to work either.
madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no setting to show the logo or not, but I can supply CSS to hide/show the logo on various pages which you can add to your site.
I'd just need to know the page names where you want to show it (or not show it)

I could also give you CSS to amend the size of the logo for different pages if you wanted it larger on the homepage.

The size is fixed because that allowed me to style the site to change for mobile devices etc.
Is your logo a different shape? If not I would keep it to 384px by 208px



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