Intro area layout & multilingual

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First of all this is a great theme, works very well for us and has everything we need.

A couple of issues I've had with it:

1. The intro area picks up it's own layout columns when $intro->getTotalBlocksInAreaEditMode()>0 is called in themes/supermint/elements/intro.php:

$intro = new Area('Intro');
$display_intro = $intro->getTotalBlocksInAreaEditMode () > 0 || $intro->getTotalBlocksInArea() > 0 || $c->isEditMode() ;
if ($display_intro) :

$display_intro is always true on the Full and Wide templates and I get an empty rectangle on page when the intro area is empty. On Full_Wide there is no problem since it doesn't have columns in the intro area. I placed an overriding intro.php with this call removed from the line and it fixes it.

I'm not entirely sure that this isn't due to some kind of a mashup with another theme I had installed before Supermint which uses templates with the same names. Anyway is it really needed? Am I disabling something important for editing by removing $intro->getTotalBlocksInAreaEditMode(), since there is a $c->isEditMode() already there ?

2. The tags filtering in the page-list block templates doesn't play well with multilanguage and doesn't use translated tags names. I can tag pages in different languages with different tags and maybe it should be done this way, but the "show-all" tag on the page-list block always remains in english. I hope this can be fixed in an upcoming update.

Keep up the good work!

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the feed-back.
For the block test, i removed the getTotalBlocksInAreaEditMode test. It live here for some page-type output issue on first Concrete version. I hope that this is fixed now.

For tags in multi language i need documentation about this. Which add-on are u using for multilingual ?
vivanov replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm using Concrete's own 'multilingual', no add-ons. I believe it got included in the core in a recent version, just a bit before I got involved with the CMS actually.

Here's the docs on concrete's site

When I get to System&Settings -> Multilingual -> Translate Site Interface I get to see the tags in translation strings in 'SelectAttributeValue' context, but "show all" doesn't appear there and when I translate tags they don't get picked up by the page-list block template.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, i will investigate this.

concrete5 Environment Information

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Core Version -
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Database Version - 20150731000000

# concrete5 Packages
Peak (0.9.6), Supermint Theme (

# concrete5 Overrides
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Block Cache - Off
Overrides Cache - Off
Full Page Caching - Off
Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).

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# Server API

# PHP Version

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