Mobile Menue

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I coose the Supermint menue.
When I reduce the site to mobile size, the menue disappeare without the mobile menue. I tryed everything but wihout success.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
It's seems that you don't have tryed the right solution :

They are different way to archieve a navigation for small screen.

The first is to add a autonav in the Sitewide Responsive Navigation. On this block set as custom template Supermint Full Screen or Supermint Mmenu. Both display a top bar once the screen is smaller that 768px. Both can display on this bar a logo, where content are take from the Stack Site Logo, display a search box on the right if a result page is choose in the theme option page. Both have options in the theme option page. Try it to find which one fit your need.

The second way is to work with lateral navigation that provide a button on small screen to open/close the lateral navigation

Is this help you ?
hansteller replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Seb,

1. lateral causes problems, because the Nav doesn't disappaer when the
screen is greater.
2. when i use Supermint Full Screen, the background image moves over the

So, it is not really a help - if i make everything rigth.



2016-02-09 9:30 GMT+01:00 concrete5 Community <>:
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Ye, the lateral is one system for all sizes > it doesn't display only on small screen.
I don't understand about the full screen navigation image background ? Did you have a URL to understand ?
hansteller replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi sebastienj,

See my problems

1. I followed your advice and configured an automatic Navigation in full screen mode.
"Wohnung" has 3 Sites below, wich I can't see in the mobile. So nobody can't navigate to "Schwarzes Zimmer1", "Schwarzes Zimmer 2" and "Klinik". What to do?

2. Please check the footer. Links and Impressum are on the same line. In mobile size it change in strange way.

3. How can I configure Carusell Slider as shown in your example?

Let us first solve the problem with this this site. the problems with the 2nd site we solve later.

Best regards.
daria82spbnew replied on at Permalink Reply
In the theme supermint the mobile nav there is a separate empty stack called "responsive navigation", which is located over the usual (desktop) navigation. but it is hidden under the broad white strap in the edit mode! you should drag and drop the new navigation object into that responsive navigation domain and build it separately from your desktop navigation! and this responsive (mobile) nav which you build altogether with the desktop navigation in the edit mode, will be on the mobile phone shown INSTEAD of the desktop navigation! and on the desktops there will be only desktop nav instead of the mobile nav.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Peut être parlez vous français ?
hansteller replied on at Permalink Reply
No, I speak only german and middle english.

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