What is the most efficient way to upgrade Supermint to a newer version?

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Hi, folks.

Just wanted to check in to determine the best way to upgrade the Supermint theme without altering any of my existing customized pages.

Currently, I have version 3.0.4, but I'm very interested in using the 3.2.3 version to take advantage of the clips in Redactor.

To upgrade, I'll have to do it manually, as I use my site as a content management system on our corporate intranet and can't connect it to the internet. What are the considerations I need to be aware of when upgrading in order to avoid wiping out any customization I've already done?


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

It's pretty impossible.. If your customization conflict with new code, you can't keep them. YOu will need to compare each customization with new code..
Otherwise, just download the zip, replace the folder theme_supermint and update from dashboard.
campbell replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, so I guess my next question is whether there is a way to take advantage of theme updates (like the addition of clips in the Redactor editor, for example) by only installing specific files over the existing theme.

I really love the Supermint theme and want to keep using it, but I'd also like to keep it updated without having to rework multiple pages every time I upgrade.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Where did you make change ?
Did you know the utility of the "application" folder to override a package ?
campbell replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm aware of the general purpose of the /application directory, but I didn't add anything in there.

What I attempted in my development environment was to upgrade from Supermint 3.0.4 to 3.2.3 by uploading the zip file to the /packages directory and overwriting the existing theme_supermint folder. I then attempted to update via the concrete5 dashboard.

I received an error indicating a permissions error with the business.mcl file in /packages/theme_supermint/src/Models/theme_presets, and that the install failed. However, when I looked at my installed add-ons/themes, it listed Supermint as version 3.2.3. I checked to see if the clips feature was available in the Redactor editor, but it was not there. I eventually uninstalled the theme altogether and then reinstalled 3.2.3, and things are working fine now (though I had to restore several files that used the "wide" page template - a thing that doesn't exist in the default Elemental theme). We also lost the color customization we had done (for example, modifying the background color of certain page layout areas).
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
I will publish a new update today.
campbell replied on at Permalink Reply
I received an error when attempting to update the Supermint theme to version 3.2.5.

I downloaded the zip file, replaced the theme_supermint folder, and then when I go to the Dashboard to update, I click on "extend concrete5" and I receive this message:

Cannot redeclare class Concrete\Package\ThemeSupermint\Controller

What do I need to do to correct this?

EDIT: Nevermind. I had copied the old theme off to a folder with an "_old" suffix in order to not lose my files, but it was apparently interfering. I had a successful installation now.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
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Database Version - 20150731000000

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Accordion Menu (3.0), Block Designer (1.2.8), C5DK TwentyTwenty Image (1.0.1), Call to Action (1.0.0), Call to Action Pro (1.0.0), Easy Rate (1.0.0), Easy Weather (0.9.1), Editor Comment (7.0.1), ExchangeCore LDAP Authentication (1.1.0), Honest Websites Back To Top (0.9.4), HonestWebsites Store location (1.2.1), HTML+PHP Code Block (1.0.1), Icons for Redactor (0.9.1), List Designer (0.9.5), List files from set (1.0.10), Login/Logout Link (1.0), Magic Tabs (7.0), Page Activity (0.9.2), Page List+ (1.2.5), Page Selector Attribute (2.0), PDF Viewer (1.0.1), Pending Pages (0.9.2), ProEvents (2.7.1), Quick Tabs (1.0), Raptorize (2.0), Spacer (0.9.2), Stack Popover (1.2.2), Supermint Theme (3.0.4), Tokens (1.0.0), Up Down Vote Lister (2.0.8).

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Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) PHP/5.4.16

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# PHP Settings
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