Control the speed of the home page text animation?

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Is there a way to control the speed of the text changes?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Look on line 52 of the theme's functions.js file (pacakges/theme_treviso/themes/treviso/js/functions.js) for this line:
}, 3000);

Change 3000 to whatever you want. It's in milliseconds, so it's currently 3 seconds.
gewald replied on at Permalink Reply
And that should be independent of the computer? A faster machine won't influence it? It is spinning through on my system much faster.
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
No, the computer shouldn't affect it. Not sure why it would be spinning through faster on your computer. Is it doing the same thing on the demo?
gewald replied on at Permalink Reply
Very strange. If I return to the window later it is zipping through them, but if I reload the page it works as it should.
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
That is very strange. Not sure at all what could be causing that as I'm not able to reproduce.

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