Trouble with logo image in "Site Name" Stack

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I am having an issue with the header layout when I add am image as the logo using the "site name" stack. the address of the site is here: so you can see what I am talking about. But the long an short of it is that if I add an image to the "site name" stack, the image gets bumped below the navigation extending the header down the page, and making it so the header is actually covering the add block elements of the page... Any thoughts on how to fix this would be great! thanks.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, first it looks like you got an extra <a> tag in there. You don't need that in there - the code in the theme will automatically link the image to the home page. Secondly you might need to make the image slightly less tall.

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