How login box is work

i installed login box from add-ons. now when i click on sign in i want to redirect that page to next page. so how to connect next page once user click on sign in button.

wagdi replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It seems there may be a possibility of having this function in a future release of Concrete5.

However for now I found this-

the most helpful answer by 'Tony' says- "we're discussing adding an option to the dashboard so you can specify where you want a user to be redirected to after login, but in the meantime try this. Over-ride you c5root/concrete/controllers/login.php file by copying it to c5root/controllers/login.php, and then within the finishLogin() method, replace this: $this->redirect('/'); to point to where-ever you want to go after login."

There is also an add-on:

It says- "If you're running an Extranet or Intranet with concrete5 and you want to send specific users to specific destinations on login, this is the add-on for you. Perhaps each user has their own project page you want to send them too, maybe you want to force a certain group of users to visit a news page the next time they login, etc. This add-on creates an attribute for each user that defines where they will go on the next login.

use concrete5's user manager to assign a login location to all users by using groups or search terms..
redirect users anywhere, a local page - or even a 3rd party URL.
set it up to redirect the user JUST the next time they login, or EVERY time they login
works well with existing redirection options in concrete5 core, resetting to the default behavior after a single redirect if desired. "

This is the documentation for it-