
Create a Facebook App

To begin using Facebook Connect you must obtain API Key and Application Secret from Facebook. To do so you should first sign in to Facebook at

After signing in you need to go to

In the upper right corner you'll find "+ Create New App" button. You should click it. It will take you to the first step of the process of registering your application (which is your website). 

The resulting popup box will prompt you to enter two things:

  • An app name (Open Graph Getting Started, or something similar.) This will be used as the app name when stories are published to Facebook and in a number of other places.
  • An app namespace. This isn't required for this guide so just leave it blank.

Once you've saved your app, you will see the Basic settings for the app. You should fill in the following fields, as included in the screenshot below:

  • Contact Email - Your developer email address
  • App Domains - The domain that your app will be hosted on (without the http:// or https:// prefix)
  • Choose "Website with Facebook Login" near the bottom of the page. In the "Site URL" text field you should include the full URI to the page where the app will be. The domain used in the URI must match the domain you just entered in "App Domains."

When you're done, click Save Changes at the bottom.

Now you have your API/Secret Key created! You have to fill them in the settings screen in Dashboard > Facebook Events > Settings