Internationalization and Date Formats

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It's great to have the ability to specify the date format. When using Internationalization, different countries need different formats. Is there any way to use multiple date formats in the same site installation?

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hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
It would take a fair amount of messing around to modify this in the dashboard save function. I'm not really sure how internationalization works to handle this, so that's the biggest issue.

There's this call that is what gets the date format:

$dateFormat = $co->get("HUTMAN_NEWS_DATE_FORMAT");?>

I'd imagine you would want to modify that to get the correct date format from the internationalization add on, instead of using the one for Hutman News. It wouldn't be using the format from the dashboard, but would have the formats you need. Maybe a switch statement based on the current locale?

Do you know how it's handled in other places?
unicomc5 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I think with a little work I can probably use that code to make it happen!

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