Collection Areas with spaces

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Hi there, Chad, just wanted to give you a friendly developer suggestion. I'm in the process of setting up ProBlog for a site and I'm using the concrete5 Discussion Guestbook block in the "Blog Post More" area of the pb_post page. But the "Monitor Discussion" links that are a part of the Discussion Guestbook block were not working properly, and when I looked into why not, I realized that the problem was in the URL that the c5 dialog was trying to open. That URL was:

/index.php?cID=301&bID=992&arHandle=Blog Post More&ccm_token=1373065670:592960811c5f8e9b3c57a4f9f5c0b31f&btask=passthru&method=do_track'

As you can see, the arHandle parameter had the area as "Blog Post More", so the link breaks at the spaces in the javascript that loads the c5 dialog. It's an easy thing for us developers to forget that c5 areas can't have spaces. So I changed the pb_post template to have an area called "Blog_Post_More" and all is well.

However, changing the trackback area to "Blog_Post_Trackback" did not produce success, I'm sure because of some other code you've got going that makes that whole thing work.

Anyway, you might want to fix those Areas in your next update -- might save another developer some head-scratching.

Have a good one!

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