Performance issue - idea for next version

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Wouldn't it be a good idea to render the textile code to HTML and save it in a seperate database field.

Currently everytime a page using textile block is called, the block has to render textile code to html code.

If you would save the HTML code in it's own database field, we could use the already rendered code and save server performance.

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
That's a good idea.

The current system will let you preprocess text yourself, or upgrade all of your Textile text at once, without having to edit the blocks, but perhaps that flexibility isn't worth the performance cost of rendering the text multiple times.

I'll see if I can do that sometime
RyujiS replied on at Permalink Reply
Was there a new version taking care of this aspect? I just noticed that there is a 2.6kB JavaScript loaded every time a page using textile is loaded. It would be very nice if you can render html when saving any change and remove the need for this processing every time the page is accessed.

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