
1- Install

Add the package to your /packages directory or download directly from Concrete5 marketplace. Install from Concrete5 dashboard.


2- Use

Add block to page in edit mode. You can add as many blocks as you want on the same page, each with their own settings. 

- You can display or hide title

- You can choose a particular timezone. By default the timezone is set to Paris, France.


3- Edit quotes

You need FTP access for editing quotes. You cannot do that from the Concrete5 dashboard. If you do not know how to use a FTP software, then ask your admin.

The quotes can be edited from the XML file located in \witwag_daily_quotes\blocks\witwag_daily_quotes\Library_of_Quotes, there is an XML file for each specific month. 

Use the following syntax : 

<DAY01 CITE="author name here">quote here.</DAY01>

For example for May 05 you will have  <DAY05 CITE="Earl Nightingale ">Excellence always sells.</DAY05>

You can leave author's name blank. 

There's a different quote for each day. You will need 365 quotes per year.