Functionalty of Calendar

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There are two features I'd like to see supported in the calendar, and I wonder if they're already supported.

I'm trying to create a calendar of seminars -- for example, say the client offers lessons on salsa dancing and waltzes.

1) When a user enters the salsa dancing page, I want to display a calendar of upcoming salsa seminars (only). Likewise for waltzes.

2) When a user enters the calendar, I want the calendar entry to display a thumbnail of salsa dancing seminar information -- fees, how many spots left in the class, etc.

Are both of these this something that your add-on will support out of the box?

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can have multiple calendars, you'd do this by setting up pages like this:
- on this page you might have a calendar that's set to display all events including salsa waltzes etc.. (if you even wanted a calendar on that page)

Then would be another calendar with only salsa classes.

As for the details of the events, events are just page in concrete5 so you can add whatever info to the page that you want.

The overlays only show the event summary and those are only displayed on the list view and the agenda view, not in an overlay in the month / 5 week view.

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