Upcoming Event

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Dear All,
I have a simple question, bit I can't figute it out! How can I show, for example on the homepage, the next upcoming event? Or the next three? Automatically. I've been thinking about the 'is featured' attribute, but then it has to be put on / off manually.
Thank you?

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MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd create an Auto-Nav block and set it to display all pages below your Calendar page.

Since your calendar items exist as pages themselves, they'll automatically show up when you add them to the calendar.
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear Matt, thank you for your answer!
I've also been thinking about that, but I only need the first one (or three) upcoming event, and when that event took place, the next event will show.
I tried the page list, set it to 1 item, but that doensn't match the dates!
MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried inserting a Date Nav block?

Not sure it's exactly what you want but it might be closer to it. Probably better suited for displaying calendar items than an Auto Nav block.

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