
Upon uninstalling the package, all blocks and single pages generated by Chisel will be unistalled from your application. Any database tables tied to Chisel blocks will be deleted from your database. Tables created for catalogs and single pages, will remain intact. If you decide to uninstall Chisel, it is highly recommended that you first backup your database to ensure that any data that may be stored in these Chisel block tables isn't lost forever.

Files generated by Chisel will not automatically be removed upon installation. Should you reinstall the package, you will also be able to reinstall your Chisel blocks and dashboard pages.

File Locations

After uninstalling, if you wish to remove the files generated by Chisel, they can be found in the following locations:

Blocks Block files that were generated can be found in this directory:
/application/blocks Catalogs and Settings Pages Controller files will be found here:

Single Page views(edit forms) will be found here:

Model files will be found here: