Version History

Version 1.0.3: Initial Marketplace submission.

Version 1.0.4: CSS namespacing and addition of instant maximize/minimize icon to page headers.

Version 1.0.5: Package/controller version number format fix.

Version 1.0.6: Event hook fix.

Version 1.0.7: Specified 'priority' in event hook to deal with edge cases where this package's page additions could be overwritten. Associated bugfix patch submitted for Core approval 04/30/12.

Version 1.0.8: Minor CSS tweaks and bugfix to prevent duplication of Maximizer attribute options on upgrade.

Version 1.1.0: Integration of media-queries to selectively activate Maximizer styles + elements. Inc. JS polyfill.

Version 1.1.1: Tweak to totally bypass Maximizer on Dashboard News page (to 100% preserve the carefully constructed /news styles and omit maximzer icon). JS tweak to programatically close any visible popovers on maximize/minimize.

Version 2.0.1: Updated for c5.6 release. New responsive CSS in the Dashboard remains intact, but have updated to keep all that 'maximizer' full-width goodness. Minimal changes...should be fully backward compatible with c5.5

Version 2.0.4: Updated to support latest C5 versions -> and above (something changed in the core meaning that the request library doesn't hit Pages until AFTER package on_start() method is called)