Text shows up on desktop pc browser, but is blank and android mobile device

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Visithttp://www.scooterevents.co.uk. On a desktop web browser, the text shows up fine. On an android mobile browser, the text isn't showing up. The background is set to black and it makes no difference if i manually set the text to white, on a phone, no text shows up. I am sure its an issue because of the site using white text on black backgrounds, but only text in this add-on is hidden.

What can you suggest I look at please?

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Status: In Progress
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colin4255 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, link was incorrect, try this one below!

formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, only text that is represented in mobile is that in h2 tags. Anything else is hidden, since the viewport size is so small. Wrap your text in h2 and it should work.
colin4255 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi thanks for that
colin4255 replied on at Permalink Reply
Having tried the H2 wrapper, even with less text, all that does is hide all the text when its viewed on a desktop PC as well as it not showing up on a mobile device, so it hasn't had the desired effect at all really
colin4255 replied on at Permalink Reply
I finally managed to figure out a solution that works on the theme I plan to use this on, but I had to edit your view.css file and make some typography and font size changes to TinyMCE. It is unfortunate that TinyMCE often doesn't properly apply changes you make to text, but I have managed to get this to display how I need it to now
colin4255 replied on at Permalink Reply
I finally managed to figure out a solution that works on the theme I plan to use this on, but I had to edit your view.css file and make some typography and font size changes to TinyMCE. It is unfortunate that TinyMCE often doesn't properly apply changes you make to text, but I have managed to get this to display how I need it to now

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Advanced Slider (2.0.1), Background Image (1.0), Canticle Theme (1.2.1), Content Around Image (1.23), Easy News (1.2.0), Extreme Clean (1.0), FontSmart (1.2.5), Formigo Slider (1.0.4), News Scroller Manager (1.0), Page Hit Counter (1.1), tcSlider (2.2.9), Title-Image-Content Block (1.2).

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pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
session.cache_limiter - nocache
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soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5

Browser User-Agent String

Chrome on android mobile device

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