Stack and Multilangual site

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Orginaly author said:

Customize Notification Content

If you want to customize the notification message, just create a stack for each language named: "Cookies Disclosure - LANG" and add your content there.

Replace the "LANG" with the 2-letter language code in uppercase you want to show the notification to.

For example, if you're running your site in English and Finnish, create the following stacks:

Cookies Disclosure - EN
Cookies Disclosure - FI

so it does not work!

I have working multilangual site. I did created stacks and created stacks with block "Cookies Disclosure" and still was selected "en"

(version 1.0.1)
In main controller.php line 57
$lang = is_object($ms) ? $ms->getLanguage() : 'en';

replace to
$lang = LANGUAGE;


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Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, sorry about this. Apparently the rendering procedure has changed a bit during the 5.6.1 performance updates. These had broken this functionality.

The latest version of the add-on fixes this problem with multilingual stack names.

Antti / Mainio
frankysev replied on at Permalink Reply
I have just tried this addon with Archer theme, and the language stacks still doesn't work.
Neither works well with that theme: the message isn't displayed properly, it's hidden behind the background.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Just tested this with concrete and also installed the Archer theme. The add-on and the multilingual stacks work as expected.

Few things to check if you're having problems with it:
- The stack names need to follow 100% the format that is displayed in the dashboard page of this add-on, no exceptions, it needs to be 100% in the same format as shown (including all the spaces it contains)
- The language codes need to be UPPERCASE (as specified in the format) and otherwise need to follow 100% the ISO 639-1 standard (the only exception being that they need to be in UPPERCASE format)
- Naturally, the language code of the stack needs to match with the multilingual section's language code
- If you display the disclosure message on top of the page and you're logged in, it might be actually below the edit bar if you don't see it

Antti / Mainio
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, one more addition to this:
When testing, I had the disclosure message on bottom of the screen and the pages were very short so I didn't see the problem.

Now when showing it on top of the page, I can see it's behind the background.

This is basically theme-specific issue that we cannot address in the package. You just need to raise the z-index value of the disclosure container to fix this issue (to bring it in front of the background).
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Still doesn't work for me. My site is in german. I have followed exactly the instructions in the documentation and created a stack in the required format, but i still get the english text. The version of the add-on is 1.0.3.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
You're not using the multilingual add-on. The stack format needs to contain the language code only in that situation.

Please re-read the documentation about customization of the disclosure message.
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your quick reply!
The problem is, this is no multilingual site, it's just a site in german, and i thought that stacks would simply replace the english text.
Sorry, i have misunderstood the documentation saying: "...This can be easily done through the stacks AS WELL". That made me think it could ALSO be done by stacks without having to install the internationalization add-on.
Actually all i want to have is the cookies notification text in german.
Thank you!

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