Adjust reveal time

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Wondering where to adjust the reveal time for the top button. My client wants to be able to scroll further down the page before the button shows. Where is this done?

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bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
This is possible you will need to adjust the javascript to do this though. In the "js" folder there is a file "jquery.ui.totop.js"

The Var defaults are set in there as the following

var defaults = {
         text: 'To Top',
         min: 200,
           containerID: 'toTop',
         containerHoverID: 'toTopHover',
         scrollSpeed: 1200,
         easingType: 'linear'

If you adjust the min to your liking I believe that should do what you want.
tommyh replied on at Permalink Reply
Worked like a charm! Thanks!

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