Multiple Maps

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Just wanted to clarify, if I have multiple maps I can control what shows on each map using the Groups value setting. Eg map1 ( Barcelona ) , Map2 (Paris) map3 (London ) etc


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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, that's correct.

You can filter an individual location map block to show only locations from a selected group (or all groups).

Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks , just one more question, is there any limit to the number of locations we can add please?
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
No limit as such. It's really just the consideration with Google maps that _many_ locations can sometimes slow down a page, or make using the map feel a bit sluggish.

That being said, I've seen (and created) maps with hundreds of locations without any issues.

The consideration may come down to importing and managing the many locations, rather than whether the map can handle it.

With some custom maps I've developed (not with this add-on), we've needed to fetch the data from a CSV or third-party source, and in those cases we've had more flexibility to make the on-going management easier. In other words, this add-on is great for lots of ad-hoc purposes, but for maps with that rely on a large amount of source data it's worth considering other approaches.
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
yep would be great if we could import to the location list some formatted CSV :) just an idea for future. Thanks for help anyway.

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