
The content sources provided by Universal Content Puller are pluggable and expandable. Universal Content Puller will automatically detect new content sources as they are added.

Page Area

Select a concrete5 editable  area by name from any other page on your site. 

Use this source for content common to multiple pages without needing to modify your theme or build stacks.


Parent Area

Select a concrete5 editable  area by name from the parent or other an ancestor of the current page.

Use this source for content common to a section of a site.

Really useful for quickly for inheriting  sidebar menus from a parent page.


Box Grabber

Pull content from any page on the web. Simply enter the URL and a jQuery/CSS selector for the container within the page you want to pull content from.

An additional selector enables elements of the pulled content to be ignored.

This is useful where you have content common to more than one site. Simply add it to the primary site and pull it into the other site(s).  

Advanced Features

All the advanced content features provided by Universal Content Puller are available with these sources.