Alias Pages not showing in main menu

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Hi Seb,
I have an interesting problem. In my site at I have a number of alias pages in some of the product areas. However the alias pages do not show up in the main drop-down menu but do show up in a sidebar menu. Please see the screenshot attached. The first item in Corrosion, "Fluid Film" is an actual product page but the other 7 items in the left side navigation are all alias pages from other parts of the site. They appear in the left side navigation but not in the main navigation items. Can you please suggest how I can fix this.

Kind regards

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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ianj replied on at Permalink Reply

I am getting hassled by my client over this issue. Have you been able to make any sense out of my request?

Kind regards
ianj replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you please offer any advice on this issue as it is creating a problem at my client.
ianj replied on at Permalink Reply
Please can you take a look at this issue as it is not going away and my client is losing trust in me.


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